It is hard to believe that Abi's days at Keystone Heights Elementary School are officially over. She has had wonderful teachers and experiences. We are so thankful to everyone who has been so influential in her life.
Abi and Nolan were both members of the News Team. They were recognized by their teacher, Mrs. Wasik, for all their hard work and dedication. They were also recognized separately for their videos that were submitted at the county level. Abi got Honorable Mention and Nolan received 1st place. 
Pretty girl....inside and out!
Handsome young man.....
Next, Abi was recognized for being a member of the Safety Patrol. 
Abi was also recognized as having straight A's from 3rd grade through 6th grade. What an accomplishment!
Two students were chosen as Best All Around. This award is decided by teachers, staff, and administration. The boy chosen was Micah Rabb and the girl, Abi Loose.
During the very last part of the ceremony, each student is called onto stage and presented with a certifcate of completion from Mrs. Mimbs.....Jordan is up 1st...
Nolan Julius next.....
Abi Loose....
Shaking hands with the assistant principal, Angela Gentry....
Greeting the principal of the high school, Dr. Susan Sailor.....
Congratulatory hug from KHES principal, Mary Mimbs....
Anna Wilkes....
Abi is all smiles after the ceremony....
Way to go Nolan on all of your accomplishments...
One of Abi's favorite teachers, Mrs. Mann. Abi has been in her gifted class for the last 4 years.
Emily's proud of her big sister....
Abi and Anna - BFF's!
I couldn't have picked a better group of girls for Abi to hang out with - Jordan, Riley, Rachel, and Anna have been together for many years and they are all very sweet and good girls.
Abi with all the 6th grade teachers, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Briscoe, Mrs. Denmark, Mrs. Buxton, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Dingman, and Mrs. Carter on the front row with Abi.
Nolan and Abi....
Nolan is always surrounded by girls, one day he will like it!
Mrs. Mimbs and Abi.....
Cindy and her girls....
We are so proud of Abi and all of her accomplishments. We can't wait to see what the next 7 years has in store for her. Congratualtions Abi! We love you!
Still In Love After All These Years
11 years ago
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